What the Service Industry Taught Me

The service industry changes you as a person. I worked as a barista on and off for several years, and full-time for the year following my college graduation. It was the hardest job I’ve had in my life- but I would not change it for the world. Being in the service industry teaches you notContinueContinue reading “What the Service Industry Taught Me”

Constantly Connected

I was watching Sex and the City the other day and became emotionally attached to the scene where Carrie Bradshaw decides to throw her phone into the water because she can’t face the messages piling up on it. I have often felt this way and wondered what it would be like not to own aContinueContinue reading “Constantly Connected”

Local Spotlight- Midtown Jackson, MS

Midtown Jackson, Mississippi, does not look like much. Potholes cover the streets and many people would view it as a part of their route- not a destination. However, last weekend proved that observation wrong. The streets were flooded with artists, musicians and children running around in the hot Mississippi sun. It was a gathering ofContinueContinue reading “Local Spotlight- Midtown Jackson, MS”

Ride the Wave

I am constantly waiting. Waiting for the next opportunity, the next life phase, or even the next weekend. I have a constant need for more and I never feel fully content in my current situation. This can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand it pushes me toward success, on the other handContinueContinue reading “Ride the Wave”

Can Do

My mom always told me her dad had one saying he repeated consistently: can do. Each time she or her siblings were struggling with a task in life he would tell them “can do.” This was always just a story to me, but recently I have recognized the weight behind those two simple words. CanContinueContinue reading “Can Do”

The Makings of a Vegetarian

I made the journey to becoming a vegetarian a year ago and want to share a realistic picture of how it all started… It began with my exposure to the idea on YouTube. I have watched YouTube for years and saw more and more of my favorite creators becoming vegetarian or vegan. I was fascinatedContinueContinue reading “The Makings of a Vegetarian”

Negative Nostalgia

What hurts is often hidden so deep in our souls that we no longer realize it is decaying there. It is a disease slowly taking over our bodies without our knowledge. It is poisonous, yet we do not even realize it is there. This is why it is so important to know yourself. Floating alongContinueContinue reading “Negative Nostalgia”